Coral Shores High School

Coral Shores High School

Monday, April 21, 2008

8 and Under Meet in Miami

This past weekend the youngest Key Fish traveled to Miami to compete in a 8 and under meet. These meets are a great way for these younger swimmers to get excited about going to meets, and to discover themselves as swimmers.

The month of March was pretty slow in terms of going to meets, but with that "off" time we spent a lot of time trying to develop. My swimmers have been giving me great mental and physical focus over the last month and I would say that this was one of the key contributors to our success as a group. Many of the kids did a best time in every event they swam, while others were only off in one event. Many of the swimmers scored top eight in at least one event while others scored top 3 in every event. We had many heat winners, and for the first time in a long time we had a relay which finished third.

I would say that the best part, however, was watching these young swimmers become more adept at dealing with the chaos that swim meets can sometimes present. They all knew their heats and lanes, and were getting themselves prepared to swim fast. I also saw kids trying new strokes techniques that they have been using in workout and it is always nice to know that my voice is not falling on deaf ears.

Best part of all was that smiles after a race, and the excitement to swim in another race. These young kids remind me to just relax sometimes and have a little fun. I am glad that my swimmers wont be burnt out at the age of 10 and still appreciate the fun, the camaraderie, and the personal achievement that this sport offers.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Meets are paid days for the swimmers and the coach. FKSC has waited a long time for Coach Mark. Thank you Mark for sharing your talents and coaching our swimmers!