Coral Shores High School

Coral Shores High School

Saturday, June 28, 2008

FLA International Meet

I thought I knew what hot was but that was before I went to the Fort Lauderdale International meet last weekend. More than anything I give props to every swimmer who stayed mentally and physically on top of their game although the elements sought to break them down.

This was a great meet. It is one of the biggest meets that we go to with more than 1500 kids in attendance. These kids came from all over the country and they all had A times or above so I consider it a elite meet. For us is was a practice in elevating our performance at the more elite level.

I believe that we did that. Many swimmers placed in the top twenty and we had one swimmer place top ten. What I always have to remember is that these are the fastest kids in the Florida Keys and every time they go out to compete they prove that. I saw lots of confidence exuding out of all of the kids and most importantly they had fun.

What I was most impressed with was our swimmers abilities to warm themselves up and mentally prep for a race. If you look at any other team they are all running group warm ups. I do not. I want to believe that I produce self sufficient athletes that can warm up on their own and swim fast on their own. I think that if they learn how to get themselves ready that any success is theirs more than anyone elses.

I give lots of props to all the kids and I hope we can carry the momentum through the summer and continue to grow and prosper as a elite level club.

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