Coral Shores High School

Coral Shores High School

Monday, September 15, 2008

St. Andrews

In the first meet of the season our team felt the sweet taste of victory. In the second meet we felt the bitter taste of defeat. A mentor of mine Mike Bottom told me, however, that each race, each meet should be swum as a learning experience. There is never really any finality in any sport. Even when a athlete achieves a specific goal they still aspire to achieve more. It is a innate human characteristics of a athlete. A unsettled nature and a desire to always be better.

So Hopefully we will learn from this experience. We did a lot of things right. We had good starts and turns. We swam with a lot of heart. We cheered for each other. But we still need to get into better shape. Ike put a damper on our training a bit. When we get in better shape we will stop getting passed when we hold the lead. We will finish our races etc. etc. etc.

After the meet we had a great Pot Luck/ BBQ with the St. Andrews Team. It was nice because events like that reinforce the true nature of competition. Its always nice to just see kids acting like kids. Thanks to Rich Russel for helping me fund the event, and thanks to all the parents for all their work in the meet and with the Pot Luck. You are very appreciated.

So back to the pool and back to work. Keep checking for updates

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